Why Publish in Letters in Biomathematics

  • Editorial Board
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Dynamics of Computational Islet Simulations

  • Gemma Gearhart , Shuai Jiang , Thomas J. May , Jane Pan , Samuel Khuvis , Matthias K. Gobbert , Bradford E. Peercy , Arthur Sherman
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Waste Recycling Can Promote Group Living

  • Jan Rychtář , Daniel Frynta , Jakub Tomek , Zuzana Varadínová , Cyril Brom
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Optimal Genetic Augmentation Strategies for a Threatened Species using a Continent-Island Model

  • Erin N. Bodine , Marco V. Martinez
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Modeling and Sensitivity Analysis of the Role of Biodiversity to Control Pest Damage in Agroecosystems

  • Mohammed Yahdi , Cara Sulyok , Karissa Smith , Alison Bugenis
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A Comparison of the Boolean and Continuous Dynamics of Three-Gene Regulatory Networks

  • Timothy D. Comar , Marihan Hegazy , Miranda Henderson , Daniel Hrozencik
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Substrate Diffusion and Consumption in Rectangular Capillary-Tissue Bed

  • Liang Sun
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Sensitivity Analysis of a Three-Species Nonlinear Response Omnivory Model with Predator Stage Structure

  • James Vance , Christina Eads
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Integrated Pest Management with a Mixed Birth Rate for Prey Species

  • Olcay Akman , Dana Cairns , Timothy D. Comar , Daniel Hrozencik
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An Agent-Based Model of Santa Cruz Island Foxes (Urocyon littoralis santacruzae) which Exhibits an Allee Effect

  • Shelby M. Scott , Erin N. Bodine , Anne Yust
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Modeling the Thrombopoietic Effects of Burn

  • Jacqueline Wentz , Darren Oldson , Daniela Stricklin
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