Submission Criteria

1. Originality and Exclusivity:
  • All manuscripts submitted to "Letter in Biomathematics" must be original work that has not been published elsewhere.
  • Submissions must not be under consideration by any other publication.
  • Authors should include a declaration of originality and exclusivity in their cover letter.
2. Contributions of Authors:
  • Clearly list the contributions of each author to the study.
  • This includes specifying roles such as study design, data collection and analysis, manuscript drafting, and critical revision.
3. Formatting and Style:
  • Clearly list the contributions of each author to the study.
  • Detailed instructions for formatting can be found on the journal’s website or in the submission guide.

Ethical Considerations

1. Conflict of Interest:
  • Authors must disclose any relationships or interests that could influence, or appear to influence, the work.
  • This includes any financial, personal, or professional relationships that might be construed as influencing the research.
2. Human and Animal Rights:
  • If the research involves human participants, animals, or human tissue samples, authors must include a statement regarding the approval from the relevant ethical review boards.
  • Studies involving human subjects should adhere to the Declaration of Helsinki principles.
  • For animal studies, authors should indicate adherence to national or institutional guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals.

Manuscript Preparation

1. Structure of Manuscript:
  • Title: Concise and informative, reflecting the study's content and purpose.
  • Abstract: A brief summary of the research objectives, methodology, results, and conclusions, not exceeding 250 words.
  • Keywords: Provide 4-6 keywords to help index the article and improve its visibility.
  • Introduction: State the objectives of the work and provide an adequate background, avoiding a detailed literature survey or summary of the results.
  • Materials and Methods: Provide sufficient details to allow the work to be reproduced. Methods already published should be indicated by a reference.
  • Materials and Methods: Present the results clearly and concisely.
  • Discussion: Explore the significance of the results in context, not repeating them. Combine with results section if appropriate.
  • Acknowledgments: (Optional) List here those individuals who provided help during the research.
  • References: Must follow the journal’s specified format.
2. Figures and Tables:
  • Clearly label and provide captions for all figures and tables.
  • Ensure each is cited in the text in consecutive order.
3. Supplementary Materials:
  • Supplementary data that support the manuscript's findings can be submitted as additional files.
  • Ensure each is cited in the text in consecutive order.

Peer Review Process

  • Manuscripts undergo a double-blind peer review where both the reviewers and authors are anonymized to ensure impartiality.
  • Authors may suggest potential reviewers, but the editorial team will make the final decision.

Submission Process

  • Online Submission: Manuscripts should be submitted via the journal’s online submission system, which facilitates smooth handling and faster processing.
  • Cover Letter: Must articulate the novelty and significance of the research and affirm that the submission is not under review elsewhere.


  • After acceptance, authors will receive proofs of their manuscript to ensure the accuracy of the final text.
  • Corrections should be minimal and submitted promptly

Open Access and Fees

  • "Letter in Biomathematics" is an open access journal, meaning all articles will be freely available to the public.
  • Authors are required to pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) upon acceptance, which supports the open access model and covers publication costs.

Contact Information

  • For additional guidance or questions about submission, authors should contact the Journal through the details provided on the journal's official webpage.

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