Allegations of Misconduct

Any allegations of scientific misconduct must be reported immediately to the Journal's Editorial office. These allegations will be handled according to COPE standards.

Complaints or Appeals

Complaints or concerns regarding the publication process should be directed to the Journal's Editorial office.

Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement

Disclosing any real or potential conflicts of interest is crucial to maintain trust in research integrity. Authors must provide a conflict of interest disclosure statement at the time of submission, as per COPE guidelines, which should include:

  • Direct or part-time employment
  • Grants, consultancies, and other payments
  • Paid or unpaid membership on advisory boards

>Financial disclosures need not be detailed in the publication but should be fully disclosed to the editors for transparency. Non-financial conflicts must also be disclosed, such as personal or political views relevant to the research.

Data and Reproducibility

Studies reporting clinical trial data must indicate whether the study was registered and provide the trial number. Ethical standards for human and animal studies must comply with the Helsinki Declaration and National Research Council requirements, respectively.

Informed Consent

As per regulatory requirements, informed consent must be obtained from all participants, and a statement to this effect should be included in the manuscript.

Plagiarism Prevention

Manuscripts must be checked for plagiarism using automated tools prior to submission.

Peer Review Process

The journal employs a double-blind peer review process to minimize bias. It involves at least three referees with expertise matching the manuscript's subject matter. The review process aims to provide feedback within four weeks.

Post Publication

Corrections post-publication are possible but may incur a fee depending on the required changes. Discussions and corrections can be initiated through a Letter to the Editor as described on the journal website.

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