Mathematical Modeling and Dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 in Colombia

Jorge H. Rojas
Epidemiology and Public Health in Promotion, Prevention and Social Production of Health SubSecretary, Public Health Secretary of Mayor Cali, Colombia

Marlio Paredes
Department of Mathematics, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia; Institute of Science, Technology and Innovation, Universidad Francisco Gavidia, San Salvador, El Salvador

Malay Banerjee
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India

Olcay Akman
Center for collaborative Studies in Mathematical Biology, Illinois State University, Normal, USA

Anuj Mubayi
Center for collaborative Studies in Mathematical Biology, Illinois State University, Normal, USA


As COVID-19 continues to spread around the globe, it is critical to understand the true burden of a future outbreak in developing countries like Colombia where data may be limited. Here, we estimated the rate of the initial exponential growth of cases and the basic reproductive rate for the disease. We use models with different modeling assumptions to study the differences between five major Colombian cities and between selected Latin American countries. Using an ensemble modeling technique, we estimated that the reproduction number in Colombia varied from 1.10 in Cartagena to 1.75 in Medellin with Cali being 1.47. In Latin America, Ecuador has highest initial epidemic growth rate and Panama the lowest with Colombia in middle of the list. The choice of appropriate model and parameter estimates for a location provided different scenarios in outbreaks. This analysis provides a framework for the decision makers to be better prepared for an outbreak.

Keywords: Coronavirus outbreak ,Dynamical model ,Epidemic burden ,Basic reproduction number ,Exponential initial rise in new cases

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